Monday, April 20, 2009

Another Great Way to Recycle

Clothing, Jewelry, and Handbag Exchange at Serenity Now Yoga
Tuesday, May 5th at 1:00PM

Doing some spring cleaning? If you have anything nice that just doesn’t suit you or fit you anymore, bring it by Serenity Now for our First Annual Clothing Exchange. Here are the rules:

1.You are responsible for everything you bring. You must cart anything of yours still remaining at the end of the event to Goodwill (right across the street). Please don’t leave anything at the studio!

2.Please only bring something you think someone might want. Nothing dirty, stinky, or gross. Clean and folded clothing only, please!

3.Please give (or try to give) as much as you take. The idea is to reduce and reuse, so if you want to leave with a bagful of items, give a bagful of items away first!

4.Have fun!

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