Monday, November 10, 2008

Yoga with Injuries

There are a few things that can happen to your yoga practice when you become injured. Sometimes people assume that if they can't do their regular practice they should not practice at all, or wouldn't know how to practice. Others may decide that they'll just "push through" their injury without changing their approach to their practice. Some people become frustrated and give up on yoga until their body is "back to normal." But there is a better way.

The practice of yoga can have great healing properties when it is approached with care and thought. Many injuries can be worked around more easily than you might think. When I broke my foot last year I continued to practice even though I couldn't do any standing poses. I continued doing some sort of sun salutation even though it might be unrecognizable to someone as a sun salutation (see the video below). I gained new insight into my breath and the subtelties of many of the postures I had been practicing for years.

So if you have an injury now or have had one in the past, or are just curious about how you would deal with one if it came up, come to my "Yoga with Injuries" Workshop on Friday 11/14 at 7:00PM. This will be a discussion of how to approach yoga with an injury, both in setting up your own home practice and also in modifying your studio practice. Everyone welcome!

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