Thursday, July 10, 2008

The 8 Limbs of Yoga

Yoga is classically divided into eight aspects, or limbs. The physical postures many people associate with yoga are only one of these limbs (#3 - asana). To truly practice and study yoga we must explore all of the eight limbs.

The 8 Limbs of Yoga are as follows:

1 - Yama (universal ethical principles)
2 - Niyama (rules of personal conduct)
3 - Asana (the practice of yoga postures)
4 - Pranayama (the practice of yoga breathing techniques)
5 - Pratyahara (control of the senses)
6 - Dharana (concentration of the mind)
7 - Dhyana (meditation)
8 - Samadhi (absorption in the Infinite)

In our classes we use the postures as a gateway to explore the other limbs of yoga, from concentration, to breathing, to ethical principles like truthfulness and non-harming. As our understanding progresses this full practice of yoga becomes more a part of our lives off the yoga mat.

If you've been coming for awhile you probably know something about these eight limbs. If you're new to yoga don't worry...the practice is a lifelong one that can be started at any time!

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