Friday, October 31, 2008


Don't forget to vote!! As yogis it's especially important to take our practice off of the mat and bring to practice the ideals we aspire to on our yoga and meditation mat. This includes making our voices heard through the voting process.

So please, vote on or before November 4th.


Monday, October 27, 2008

A thought that applies to negative political discourse

"Once you begin to watch your anger, you will make an interesting discovery. You will find that as soon as you know you are angry, your anger will melt away by itself. It is very important that you watch without likes or dislikes. The more you are able to look at your own anger without making judgments, without being critical, the more easily the anger will dissipate."
-Thynn Thynn

Monday, October 13, 2008

Upcoming Partner Yoga Workshop

Join Jordan and Clayton this Saturday (10/18) at 12:00 noon for an all-levels intro to partner and group yoga workshop. We encourage you to come with or without a partner, and be prepared to work with others in groups of two or more. This is not couples yoga. Although couples are welcome to practice together, this practice can be done with anyone at all.

Workshop will explore various partner and group yoga poses including assists, deep stretching, counterbalancing, and depending on participants interest, the very basics of flying. If you are planning to come and there's something you want to explore, let me know!

:) Jordan

No advance registration required, just show up. $15 to drop in or one class pass on your card, no additional charge for unlimited pass-holders.